Passion with Purpose
Who It is Designed For
Junior to mid-level executives who have been in the organisation for less than 10 years
The Science of Staying Motivated at Work
Staying motivated at work can be tough, especially in today’s climate, in the post-pandemic era. And it is also normal to feel jaded after working at the same organisation for a prolonged period of time.
This training module puts together 5 main reasons for lost motivation at the workplace and what you can do to fix them. It will address everything from loss of willpower, feeling drained/low energy, to simply not feeling valued by your peers.
Participants will be engaged in multiple self-reflective activities that are intended to help revive what was lost, and how to maintain the renewed sense of purpose and its momentum.
Key Objectives
To specifically identify all the main issues that are causing loss of enthusiasm at work.
To rediscover each individual’s original motivations as per the initial days of entering the workforce.
To self-introspect with the aim of finding out if there are new motivations or concerns
that have yet to be addressed.
To take diligent and frequent action on daily practices that will revive the spirit of happiness
and joy at work that has faded.
Desired Outcomes
Professionals who are passionate about the responsibilities and opportunities
they are presented with at work.
Self-driven individuals working in unison to uplift their peers and raise the
standard of performance in the whole organisation.
Ideal Class SIze
30-50 participants
2 days