The Hamdحمد

Framework For Organisational Excellence

Who It is Designed For

Junior to mid-level executives who have been in the organisation for less than 10 years

World Class Attributes of a Model Professional

Every top performing organisation is made up of a group of highly dedicated employees. But dedication alone is not enough. There is a lot more that is needed from each individual to give their very best each and every day.

This module is based on the HAMD framework (Heart, Attitude, Mindset, Discipline).

Participants will be guided through various examples and activities that will help them reframe their understanding of what it means to be a top professional.

Key Objectives

  1. To help align the intentions of the heart to the duties that have been assigned.

  2. To learn that even if a person has the right attitude and mindset, if they are not disciplined,

    it will not bring them far in life.

  3. To be conscious that our mind mostly controls how we feel about work - affecting our mood and morale, thus requiring us to be more selective of what we choose to focus on.

  4. To be aware of how one’s positive attitude is what differentiates between being good and being great.

Desired Outcomes

To produce individuals who are self-motivated to improve their abilities and skillsets.

A holistic employee who never fails to give their all for the overall growth of the organisation.

Ideal Class SIze

30-50 participants


2 days